Economic model

The FON smart chain will issue FON public chain coins. FON is a token issued to encourage users and third-party partners to participate in ecological construction and other activities, and is redeemable for the internal value resources and rights of the FON smart chain. At the same time, FON smart chain, as an underlying infrastructure that integrates multi-form digital assets, can derive more other smart assets through financial smart contracts. In the future, the FSC public chain will drive the value growth of FON through more innovative models.

FON economic model

Fonvity (FON) Smart Chain Explorer

The total number of native FON tokens is 26 million.

The top 21 nodes will receive node block rewards

FON Smart Chain is used for effective governance proposals to enrich the healthy development of the ecosystem

Creating a node requires a creator, who pledges 9999 FON to create it.

The maximum number of alliance nodes is 99, and cannot be created after exceeding the limit.

The top 21 nodes are core nodes and can directly initiate core proposals for governance.

The person who created the node can exit the alliance node at any time, and 9999 FON will also be returned.

Node election method, voting for nodes through FON pledge

Nodes refresh their rankings every three hours

FON runs on FSC in the same way that ETH runs on Ethereum, so it is an FSC "native token".

This means that in addition to being used to pay most handling fees on the FON smart chain and DEX, FON will also be used for:

  1. Pay the handling fee for deploying smart contracts on FSC

  2. Pledge the rights and interests of the selected FSC verifiers and obtain corresponding rewards.

  3. Perform cross-chain, transaction and other operations, such as FSC transfer token assets

Roselle economic model


Roselle is the platform token of RosSwap and the NFT trading market. It is a value token with product support. Roselle is also the first benchmark ecosystem and ten thousand times ecosystem of FSC. Its economic model has decentralization, scarcity, liquidity, applicability, provides users with pledge rewards, participates in ecosystem growth and other benefits. Roselle is designed to be a secure and efficient medium of exchange that supports all trading ecosystems.


Completed with multiple collateral mining

• Wfon-Usdt LP staking mining

• NFT staking mining

• NFTs pledge mining

• Wfon native currency pledge mining

total amount

2.1 million pieces Mining cycle: 5184000 Block mining ends

Mechanism details

Transaction rate

• Buy-in rate: 3% • Selling rate: 3% • Transfer fee: 3%

Conditions of issuance The generated rates will first be temporarily stored in the Roselle token contract.

When the total of 10 Roselles is completed, it will be automatically executed by the contract.

• 37% of Roselle liquidity converted to WFON

• 62% of Roselle will be burned (View burning deflation address)

• 1% of Roselle will be added to the Roselle-Fon flow pool

Roselle generates transaction reward distribution method

Reward distribution ratio: 60% will be allocated to the market, 40% will be transferred to the black hole to destroy FON 60% of the rewards will be accumulated (value equity system) and distributed in the form of equity dividends

ecological development

Ecological Development Fund 23% Ecology will better operate and build Roselle

What is WFON coin?

WFON is an FRC-20 token on the FON smart chain that is linked to the price of FON.

WFON is an FRC-20 token on the FON smart chain linked to the FON price (1:1). Although FON, the native token of FON smart chain, can be used to pay for gas, WFON cannot. But WFON has wider uses than FON and has become very popular in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

Almost all wallets in the FON smart chain network will support WFON. Wrapped FSC(FON) is a token pegged to FSC(FON). Wrapped FON coins are suitable for many platforms and decentralized applications that support FRC-20 tokens. Although (FON coin) can be used to pay network transaction fees, its function is different from the FRC-20 token (WFON coin).

You can easily convert FON coins into wrapped FON coins through the wrapping process. You can also exchange packaged FON coins back for FON coins at any time. Both wrapping and unwrapping follow a 1:1 ratio, meaning there are no additional fees other than transaction fees. By interacting with the packaging FON coin smart contract, you can manually wrap FON coins, and the smart contract will store your FON coins and return an equal amount of wrapped FON coins. The decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem of FON Smart Chain is quite large, and the use of wrapped FON coins provides more opportunities for pledge investment.

Why do we need to package FON coins?

At first, the confusing point was: why does a token like wrapped FON coins exist? Doesn’t the FON blockchain already have FON coins?

The first thing to understand is that not every token on FON is technically similar. The network allows developers to create new rules and standards for cryptocurrencies.

One example is in the form of FRC-721, which gives us non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These are very different from FON coins or FRC-20 tokens. Developers have a lot of room for customization when creating these digital assets. Therefore, while (FON coins) can be used to pay for gas on the FON smart chain, FON coins cannot be used in all decentralized applications.

Today, most DeFi decentralized applications accept FRC-20 tokens for investment and staking. If you want to inject (FON coins) into liquidity pools or use them as collateral, it will be much easier to use (WFON coins) in the FRC-20 version. This provides maximum compatibility across the entire blockchain and saves time in developing new smart contracts.

Last updated