
RosSwap is the first new DEX based on the FON Smart Chain (FSC) public chain. RosSwap is committed to maximizing the use of virtual currency assets for you!

RosSwap provides higher security, more convenient and faster transactions, and more open and transparent on-chain activities. The tokens after transactions can also be managed on TokenPocket, MetaMask or other mainstream EVM wallets.

Open and transparent

RosSwap is constructed on open source software. The website and all smart contracts are public to maximize transparency. The source code of RosSwap's smart contracts has been verified on FonScan.

Advantages of RosSwap

The team brings together top talents in the fields of blockchain, finance and technology, and has rich industry experience. We are committed to providing users with innovative decentralized trading experiences and ensuring the security and reliability of the transaction process. The platform not only focuses on technological innovation, but also actively explores and adopts industry best practices to provide users with a more stable and secure trading environment.

Low fees

RosSwap runs on the FON Smart Chain. Compared with Ethereum or Bitcoin and Binance Smart Chain, the FON Smart Chain has low transaction costs. RosSwap’s transaction fees are also much lower than other top decentralized exchanges. So, this is definitely killing two birds with one stone for you.


Start trading directly from your wallet app. Unlike centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, RosSwap does not hold your funds while trading: you have 100% ownership of your cryptocurrency.

RosSwap product equity

As the trading volume increases, DEX generates a certain amount of fee income. We do not attribute all of this income to the team. We package part of the income generated by DEX into equity and distribute it to users who participate in equity. According to your own needs, you can choose whether to participate in this equity product. Rosswap product equity will be determined based on the actual profit of all Rosswap products. During the product equity subscription period, you have a certain amount of thinking (hesitation period) and can participate flexibly. and retrieve

Product equity is divided into three types of equity rewards according to official announcements

1.DEX profits use USDT as the settlement unit, and pledged FON as the participating equity

  1. Provide liquidity to RosSwap and pledge to obtain diversified token rewards

  2. Stake Myth NFT to obtain benefits from various combination extensions

SWAP functionality and user experience

Provide innovative decentralized trading functions, including LP liquidity, farm pool, etc. Users can easily deposit assets into the liquidity pool and earn equity token income. The platform interface is simple and intuitive, suitable for all types of blockchain traders. Whether they are beginners or professional trading experts, they can all enjoy a convenient trading experience.

RosSwap will use the FSC ecosystem to create an open digital platform that integrates transactions, governance, wallets and creativity, gathering the power of the global community to promote the continuous advancement and growth of the FSC ecosystem.

RosSwap not only greatly enriches the blockchain ecology, but will also leave a milestone in the history of DEFI development.

RosSwap will always uphold the core values of cooperation, innovation, diversity and sustainability, continue to explore innovative possibilities, and lead the new future of digital finance.

Last updated