Advantages of implementation

Thanks to the advantages of continuously developed and innovative blockchain technology, extensive commercial applications, and refined governance, FSC is competitive in the following aspects:


FSC has very mature and powerful technical support. It has accumulated rich industry and technical experience in the fields of blockchain bottom layer, encrypted communication, mathematics, Web3, information technology, etc., and has achieved industry-leading achievements in the development and application of blockchain technology. Leading breakthrough.

Industry resources

The FSC team brings together senior people from multiple industries with many years of practical operating experience and deep insights into industry development. In addition, the FSC team will sign strategic cooperation agreements with top leading companies in the target industry, which will provide strong support for FSC to enter applications, in order to truly promote FSC to access more projects and developers.

business governance

Different from general public chains, FON smart chain has a clear and clear strategic plan for the target industry, and is more focused and professional with the characteristics of distributed decentralization, non-tampering, encryption security and point-to-point value transmission of blockchain technology. , to penetrate target industries and quickly gain market share.

Money management

FSC's fund management will strictly abide by the principles of fairness, justice and openness, with the development of the FSC platform as its primary purpose.

The FSC team specializes in safekeeping and ensuring the safety and sustainability of funds.

The use of all funds in the FSC public chain and the FSC Ecological Development Foundation will be disclosed to all investors on a regular basis to ensure the openness of the use of funds.

Expansion capacity The target industries of FSC are trillion-level blockchain infrastructure and encryption markets. The development team has formulated a complete governance structure to effectively manage matters such as general proceedings, code management, financial management, salary management and privileged operation scope. to ensure sustainable development.

FSC perfectly inherits the characteristics and advantages of traditional blockchain ecosystem technology, and solves the current technical bottleneck of blockchain, truly integrating blockchain with commercial applications. In addition, FSC has vigorously and continuously invested in the research and development and innovation of business technology represented by blockchain technology, applying it to enhance the value of traditional industries and promote the vigorous development of blockchain technology in various industries, supplemented by A clear strategic development direction to create a mutually beneficial and win-win blockchain public chain ecosystem in the future.

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