

Relayers are responsible for submitting cross-chain communication packages between two blockchains. Due to the heterogeneous parallel chain structure, two different types of Relayer are created.

FSC Repeaters Repeaters used for other link-to-FSC communications are called "FSC repeaters", or simply "repeaters". A Relayer is an independent process that can be run by anyone anywhere, except that the Relayer must register with the FSC and deposit a certain number of refundable tokens. FSC only accepts relay requests from registered relays.

The packages they relay will be verified by on-chain light clients on FSC. A successful relay needs to pass sufficient verification and pay gas fees on FSC, so there should be incentive rewards to encourage the community to run Relayer.

Oracle Relay

The relays used by FSC to communicate with other chains use the “Oracle” model, the so-called “Oracle Relayers*”. Every validator (and only validators in the validator set) must run the Oracle relay. Each Oracle Relayer observes changes in the blockchain state. Once it captures the cross-chain communication packet, it submits the request for voting. Cross-chain actions will be performed after an Oracle Relayer with 2/3 of the voting power of the other chain's validators votes in favor of the change.

Oracle Replayers should wait for enough blocks to confirm finality on FSC before submitting and voting cross-chain communication packages to other chains.

Cross-chain fees will be distributed to other chain validators along with normal other chain block rewards.

This oracle type of relay relies on all validators to be supported. Since all votes for cross-chain communication packages are recorded on the blockchain, it is not difficult to have a measurement system to evaluate the performance of Oracle Relayers. Worst performers may get their rewards back via another slashing logic introduced in the future.

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