Run full node
Full node function
Stores the full blockchain history on disk and can answer requests for data from the network.
Receive and validate new blocks and transactions.
Verify the status of each account.
Support platform
We currently support running full node Linux.
Recommended requirements
Full node
The VPS runs the latest version of Linux.
Important 1T GB free disk space, solid state drive (SSD), gp3, 8k IOPS, 250MB/S throughput, read latency <1ms. (NVMe SSD required if starting from snapshot/quick sync)
8-core CPU and 16 GB of memory (RAM).
The recommended instance type is m5zn.3xlarge on AWS and c2-standard-16 on Google Cloud.
Broadband internet connection with upload/download speed of 5 megabytes per second
The VPS runs the latest version of Linux.
Important 1T GB free disk space, solid state drive (SSD), gp3, 8k IOPS, 250MB/S throughput, read latency <1ms
8-core CPU and 16 GB of memory (RAM)
We recommend the m5zn.3xlarge instance type on AWS, or c2-standard-16 on Google Cloud.
Broadband Internet connection with upload/download speed of 10 megabytes per second
Synchronous mode
Quick sync
Default sync mode. Synchronizes a fast-syncing full node by downloading the entire state database, first requesting headers, and then filling in block bodies and receipts. Once the fast sync reaches the best block of the FON smart chain network, it will switch to full sync mode.
Full sync
Synchronizes a full node from genesis, validating all blocks and executing all transactions. This mode is a bit slower than Quick Sync, but more secure.
Run full node
Sync from snapshot (recommended)
Download the prebuilt binaries from the releases page or follow the instructions below
1.Download binaries
2.Download the genesis block
3.Initialize the genesis block
4.Download static node list
5.Start node
Last updated